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Happy Sunday ALL. As my day goes by it was put on my heart to share this message. I will try not to get too sappy but I have a tendency at times. I am truly GRATEFUL for the opportunity that I have been given.

As some of you know I have been making jewelry for over 5 years now. It started at my dining room table in Ellenwood Ga. Long nights and early mornings I would pack my bag up and off to work I would go selling my latest creations. Fast forward I got married again, moved out of state and took a little break from my business. One of my resolutions for 2014 was to get back to BUSINESS when it came to my BUSINESS.

From that point on my fire was back and my hustle was strong. You saw me at events on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and a new and improved website. What you didn't see was me recovering from two foot surgeries as well as a major surgery in November 2015. Between all that was going on I decided that an early retirement was best and jumped on that program quickly.

Now to the good part, I have officially been retired since January 1, 2016. What you don't know is there is no retirement check that comes monthly. Sweet and Sasse has been my bread and butter for my bills that did NOT stop coming after retirement. So when I say thank you I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for encouraging me, thank you for supporting me, thank you for believing in me, and thank you for spending your hard earned money with me. I am truly GRATEFUL for all of you.

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